Planko's Pics

By planko

Union of South Africa

The one day I hoped for an overcast day (to contrast the smoke) it was a glorious sunny evening down on riverside drive in Dundee today. Lots of people were out to watch the Union of South Africa cross the Tay Bridge.

Shots didn't turn out as well as they could have but thanks to a link Postie sent me at the weekend (cheers BTW!) I saw that the train would stop at Leuchars for 20 mins and figured that would be for water, so headed across and was correct. Managed to get this shot; glad how well it turned out.

I did have another shot lined up further up the track, but then lots of idiots jumped the fence infront of me and got in my shot, even though I'd moved much further away than any of them. Argh! Unlike them, I didn't tresspass on the railway embankment.

Diet Log:

Breakfast: Muesli bars, yogurt, fruit
Lunch: Soup
Dinner: Weight Watchers cheesy turkey meatloaf, potatoes, carrots


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