Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


A last minute blip *ashamed*

I studied all day long.
In the sun, so it wasn't that bad.

In the evening I went to T'burg, with Nooria and Maartje.
We went to the Polly Magoo (a café) were there was a live band.
I wanted to blip them.
They were really good. Two guys, one playing the piano, the other one on the drums. They used to play at the Crazy Piano's. You could asked any kind of song that you like and if they had the time, they would play it for you. It was really cool.
But it was to crowed over there, so I didn't get the chance.

So I made a picture of this little statue I have in my room.
It's a lovers couple, kind of melting together.

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