The narrow gap

Friday 8th July 2022

Out with a friend today for a round of golf. We went to our usual course, where you can normally just turn up and play, only to find they have introduced a tee booking system and it was fully booked. It's never normally that busy but we would have had to wait 1hr 10mins before we could start. We decided to return to our second choice course. 

The other course is most of the way back home. Last time, when we had to go there because the other was closed, we were the only ones playing. Today it was busy and we were fourth in the queue. We actually started playing just 10mins before we would have been able to on the first course! That said, the second is much shorter and nearer home so we weren't too late getting back. 

It may be a shorter course but it has more hazards and it also challenges me to use different clubs. I'm not keen on this hole though as you have to drive between this gap in the trees and over the ditch between them.    

My holiday photobook arrived today, I only sent it to print last Saturday evening - see extra

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