
By KathyH58

July 8

A lily in my garden today. I don't have many of the true lilies in my garden because the lily beetles cause so much damage to the blooms.
Two jobs complete today and only a couple of things to do to complete another job. I have to go plant shopping.
Quite the day technology wise today. The Rogers network has been down all day and they are who I have my cell phone with. So I have not been able to make or receive telephone calls or send/receive text messages. I could not access the internet on my phone unless I could connect to wifi. The outage also affected debit machines, so businesses could only accept cash or credit cards. Not many people carry cash on them so it meant a trip to the bank hoping the banking machines would work. I'm sure many people had problems driving, since so many depend on their phones for directions. I can't send any etransfers tonight so my workers will have to wait for the pay. Many government offices were affected by the outage too.
A lesson learned on how to live without technology. We are so dependent on it.

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