The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

New City

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

We are in Amsterdam! We were lucky given all the issues at airports at the moment. Our flight had a minor delay of about an hour which is nothing and gave us a bit of extra time to have lunch.

It was late afternoon when we arrived. The Prince was beside himself because out taxi was a top of the range Tesla (and had a big chat with the driver about it). I was very excited because the doors opened upwards like the DeLorean in Back to the Future. I had to refrain myself from asking if it has a flux capacitor!

After checking in, we had a wander to Dam Square and then to find a restaurant for dinner. We were all a bit tired (and hungry) but the restaurant (Mappa) was so lovely and had such a good atmosphere that it completely boosted all of us. The Youngest Mini Princess wanted to head back to the hotel but The Eldest Mini Princess was happy to hang out with her parents for a couple of drinks which was lovely. We decided to avoid Cafe Club Smokey and Coffee Shop Smokey and stick to the well-trodden path of alcohol!


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