A nautical theme

Another glorious day - the sun was blazing down the corridor when I went for a pee at 6am and continued to do so - in fact it still is. I was in the water by 8.45am. Although there was signs of red tide my strand was crystal clear and still, and I languished amongst the sea spaghetti in mermaid fashion.
Later we caught the ferry to Whiddy Island to attend a talk by Sara Baume, part of Bantry Literary Festival. if you have not read any of her work I urge you to do so. Her most famous and devastating work is Spill, Simmer, Falter, Wither which might be my desert island choice but today she was talking about her new book Seven Steeples. She came across as genuine, modest, madly articulate and good fun. We are Insta friends and I introduced myself and we had a good chat. I also enjoyed meeting her mum who is an archaeologist and yes, holy wells were mentioned. The talk was outside, the weather being so marvellous, but it was seriously roasting and we probably all have sunstroke!  Back on the mainland we were desperate for an ice cream, and another swim was taken on the way home.
No signs of any riotous behaviour in the big top yet. Note the security bloke, I might have to eliminate this pic soon. 

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