
It was a sparkly morning and I want to watch the tennis this afternoon, so I went for a short wander around the cathedral.

I’ve been told there are peregrine falcons there and I had a rough idea where, so before I headed back home, I sat on the wall and tried to photograph birds that seemed in a likely place.

I asked a couple who clearly knew about them, and they disagreed about which spire it was,  although they said they know they’re there because they hear them.

It was beautiful light. The organist was warming up and I could hear the rousing sounds from where I was perched. I took a lot of photos on zoom but they all turned out to be pigeons.

Back home I was going through my shots and I saw a white blob on two of the front of the cathedral. I looked more closely, and wasn’t sure…..

I put one on the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Facebook page asking, is it a pigeon? They all agreed it was a peregrine. 

I sent the photo to my brother who is at home recuperating after a hip replacement and he congratulated me on getting the shot and said it was a juvenile.

I wish I’d realised where these amazing birds actually were. And I’ll have a good look next time.

But I’m really rather thrilled.

Btw, this afternoon will be the first (and probably only) time that I’ll be cheering for Djokovic…..

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