The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Drunk Houses

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

We had lunch outside by a canal. The Mini Princesses wanted to get souvenir ducks from the Rubber Duck shop so The Prince and I just wandered about, taking in the sights. I think Amsterdam might be one of my favourite cities. People are so friendly, everything is within walking distance and there are loads of things to see. There are so many wonky houses due to subsidence that you feel a bit drunk looking at them. Maybe they look straight when you are drunk!

We went to the Anne Frank house late afternoon. I remember reading the book as a young teenager, about the same age as Anne when she went into hiding and finding it fascinating but being on the tour as an adult, and a parent, the most haunting part was Otto Frank’s story.

We went for dinner in Tacos & Tequila, a Mexican restaurant. The food was great, there were lots of vegan options and we introduced The Eldest Mini Princess to her first Margarita!*



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