The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Bonjour Soleil!

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

We jumped on a tram from the hotel to Amsterdam Centraal as we were getting a Thalys to Paris.

And we failed at the first hurdle. We didn’t quite ALL quite jump on the tram - 3 of us did. The doors closed before The Eldest Mini Princess could get on! In fairness, it’s the first time I’ve left a child anywhere and I’ve had them for aaaaages!

Thankfully we all made it to Paris. We arrived late afternoon and it is ROASTING. The Prince and I went to do a recce to find the nearest Metro station and a restaurant for dinner. Obviously this was thirsty work in the heat and we had to stop for a beer for hydration!

We had dinner in a lovely brasserie and then got the metro to the Louvre. There was another near incident with me only just making it onto the train as the doors were closing but as this makes me look more like an eejit tourist than a seasoned traveller, we’ll gloss over that!

We wandered round the outside of the Louvre which is just amazing and then meandered along the Seine to Notrè-Dame so the Mini Princesses could see some of the amazing buildings in the centre of Paris when the temperature was slightly cooler (28°C at 10 pm). It makes wandering much easier for people who normally start to melt at about 20°C!


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