Yellow Shoes

I bought my yellow shoes in Kirkwall in April. I had lusted after them for a fortnight having seen them in Begg’s shop window but having  tried hard to resist buying them, I gave in to temptation just before I came home. Since then with moon boots and trainers de rigeur , I thought to try them on today, swollen ankle and all, and was relieved to find that they fitted. I’m not sure they will be as good to walk in as the trainers at this time, but they do look really summery.

Mondays can be bleak days at the start of the week, but not if you have breakfast with a friend in The Ivy on the Square. There was much to catch up on as we had our usual toast and coffee. Since we were at school together we go back a long way, over 60 years and much shared history.

It was another warm day but cloudy, so the incentive to sit outside was not so compelling. I did some more sorting out of clothes for the charity shop. How many pairs of jeans does a lady need? Certainly not the number languishing in my wardrobe that I no longer fit.

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