Don't fence me in!
Today Josie was learning about playpens in preparation for being at the reception on Saturday. We've realised that her mum and dad can't hold her for a couple of hours solid and she won't be happy in her high chair or buggy for an extended period. So playpen it is, we set it up in the garden under a sun umbrella yesterday and today. She thought it was great fun the best bit was being able to stand up and shout at the birds. All told she had a great time playing with her toys and chatting away. We've selected some of her quieter toys to take with us on the day though!
I was pleased that my wedding dress alterations met with approval, sewing with my splint on wasn't easy.
In preparation for our influx of visitors at the weekend, I spent the evening tidying the mess in the bedroom. I kind of wanted my mum to be around, to say well done, when I'd finished!
Joyce was up early to get the train to Glasgow then to Mallaig - or not!
That was one of the cancelled trains today. She ended up with train to Crianlarich, delayed bus from Crianlarich to Fort William, then, as they would miss their ferry from Mallaig, a friend came and picked them up to drive them via Kyle, to Portree. Not the journey they had planned, it took much longer and was a more expensive alternative than the one they had booked and paid for several months ago so the refund won't cover it....what's more, to add insult to injury, it's raining in Portree!
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