
By SonofLionel

Unwelcome Visitor - Perhaps

On my way to the pool to unwind the cover for overnight, there was a bit of squawking from the hen house. I could see why. A buzzard was on the roof, eyeing up the girls. Normally chickens are a bit too big for a buzzard, so I went to investigate. I approached; it stayed put. I took an iPhone pic (main pic) in case. Eventually it felt I was a bit too close and flew off, but only as far as one of the trees in the garden. I grabbed my Nikon camera and approached it again. It stayed put - again. I got to take the extra pic when almost directly under it. It is clear that it is newly fledged. Tail feathers not fully developed and unaware of any risk from humans. It flew to the field, stayed on the ground for a bit, then went back to mum & dad. 
Other extras are of the Pine Bolete I found this morning on the walk. Way out of season, so unexpected bonus for my breakfast!

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