A while back I indicated that an American Robin (Turdus migratorius) had decided to nest in a hanging planter of pansies which was hanging from an awning over the kitchen window. I posted a shot of the nest and after a few days there were 4 baby blue eggs therein. I didn't post a shot because they were hard to see.
Mom did a good job of incubating...females alone do that job...and all 4 eggs hatched after 14 days of sitting on them.
The chicks are getting bigger since dad joined in the feeding which seems to go on round the clock. The four of them have filled the nest completely and their mouths are always open seeking something to eat. Eyes are still pretty much closed.
You'll notice that the pansies are drying up.....I thought it best not to water the planter.  DUH!
EXTRA 1.....Mom showed up with a pretty big grub almost too large for the size of the kid's mouth.
EXTRA 2.....After several tries and repositioning she managed to shove it into the mouth of one of the chicks.  Absolutely amazing....that would be like me swallowing a doughnut whole without chewing. Then she was off to find more tasty stuff.
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