Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Another day, two more viewings

We drove up to Donegal, where we have 4 houses on our “to be considered list”.  We were able to view two of them on the way to our newest lodgings.  The other two properties are not sold, but for various reasons not available for viewing this week.  The two we saw were nice houses – one even had a pond as well as this large boulder in its very overgrown garden – but they were not the right house for us.

We had a lovely drive up through Donegal to our lodgings at the far north, and the little apartment is comfortable.  But I've messed up again, and there's no WiFi, but even worse, there's almost no phone signal for any of our phones!  This could be very liberating if we were after a “switched off” holiday, but is not good when house hunting. 

We've decided that, though it really is a lovely county, Donegal probably isn't the best place to concentrate our house hunting on, and will have a recuperating day today, and spend some time in Letterkenny, seeking out phone signal and WiFi so that we can try to arrange another couple of viewings for tomorrow further south.  We were due to stay here till Sunday, before getting the ferry back, but will cut our stay short, find an alternative place, with Wifi!!! for the last few days.  We can, if necessary, delay our return for a couple of days as I bought a flexible ticket.  We have two “front runners” and would like to see both of them again, as well as possibly seeing other places, before we make any final decisions.

And we are STILL waiting for exchange of contracts on our own house.  After the problems previously, we are not very comfortable with committing to a purchase here until we have exchanged.

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