Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Herd mentality!

What a day! No cover set for most of my lessons, and any work that was provided was tosh, so I spent most of the day trying to find something to fill the time meaningfully for kids who know that none of it actually counts anyway. Lost it a bit in the last lesson with two of the worst behaved girls in the school, who already had detentions today from other teachers, arrived late, caused a huge fuss about finding their seats then, a few minutes later, just upped and walked out of the classroom with paper airplanes. The final straw, though, was how the other students 'closed ranks'. They refused to confirm the girls' names after they left (said they didn't know), said I had said they could leave (I hadn't) and that one of the girls hadn't sworn (she had, clear as day). Grrrr!!!

Anyway, all things considered, not too bad in the end. It’s my last day there tomorrow as they have enough staff to cover next week’s ‘Activities Week’ and don’t need me in. I haven’t heard anything more about the elusive permanent position since the meeting I had on the 4th July so although they’ve asked me to come back in September, I’ve no idea what I’ll be doing.

I just tried to get a picture of the sun setting and couldn't believe it - loads of deer in the field over the road! None of my pictures were very clear, as it's getting dark and I had to go to full zoom, but I've added one of the whole herd in the extras.

SAD UPDATE 21st July: Saw the beautiful black stag lying dead by the side of the road near this field. Poor thing, hope he didn’t suffer too much.

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