Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

There are great things ahead - hopefully!

Today was my last day as a supply teacher - a very odd feeling! I’m still working all next week but it’s at a summer camp, not in a classroom, so I’m not counting that.

I had such a great day at school today that even though I was only there for two days, I was a bit teary when I signed out. The thought of having a permanent teaching job in September is pretty scary, especially as I know they have very high expectations of me and I feel so burnt out at the moment that I’m not sure I’m actually up to it.

When I went to pick up our curry tonight, I met a woman who works in the school who offered-me-a-job-but-didn’t a couple of years ago. She’s leaving education completely at the end of next week but several of her colleagues are moving to my new school. Nice to know that so many also feel it’ll be a good place to work.

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