Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Ready to go

Went to see the man about this lump today. He had a good look and we decided that he would try and get some pus out of it.

Eco mum said she would do it, he said are you a nurse. Reply 'No I just love squeezing spots.'

No anaesthetic, just a big needle and syringe. Amazing nothing much came out, a tiny amount of putty like colour and texture. Arranged to continue drugs and come back on Thursday.

Got home and started making tea, Eco mum was getting Eco daughter from trampolining. I started to feel awful, went to my bed shivering and hot. Eco mum came in checked temp, I was sweaty and starting to burn up.

Eco mum called NHS 24, she gave details and they said they would phone back.

Phonecall back come on in to after hours, went a wee bit early for appointment and was taken straight away, second opinion required and straight through to accident and emergency. Looked like the infection was spreading.

A&E was mad and really busy, it was frustrating waiting but I was stable so little concern. However when my temp suddenly reached 39.5 and blood pressure crashed down I was suddenly surrounded by doctors and on drips with fluids and drugs. This whole period I was curled up in foetus position just wanting to sleep. Eco mum was by my side and must have been worried, she went home after 11.00pm when I was stable and awaiting a ward bed.

(This is a back blip as I have been in hospital)

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