Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Discharged with no discharge.

Well what I thought was a boil and would simply need lanced is becoming a wee bit more than that.

Today the consultant allowed me home, the spreading of the infection has stopped and I was to come back tomorrow to see the thyriod expert. It gave the ward a bit of a lift.

It was strange being in a four bed ward, 2 very ill men , one guy recovering from a stomach operation and me, I felt a bit of a fraud. We had not chatted much during my couple of days, everyone had their worries and seemed very quiet. The guy opposite is waiting to go to a hospice, I manged to have a chat with him today. I really wanted to put him on a wheel chair and take him out into the fresh air for a push round the grounds. He was hoping that I did not have anything serious and it would get soted out, I felt humbled and just said I hope you get to somewhere more comfortable. I may go and see him tomorrow after my appointment. The other guy was a bit down he was due to go home but had picked up an infection in his wound.

The staff were great and always very kind to everyone.

I am now home, thanks to all the friends who have called or popped round to see me, all very kind.

So tomorrow brings the chat with the expert, fingers crossed.

I have back blipped the days in hospital with Eco mum supplying the photos.

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