Bath again

This Jedi will be going for his 3rd bath in two day's.  

It was a productive morning around the house. We had the electrician coming so had to tidy early.  

The two bigger boys were tired from yesterday so were quite snippy with each other and it was winding me up. Its Xanders birthday next week so that always makes him anxious and out of sorts leading up to it. I ended up going walk to the library quite early.  I had a form to pick up. The boys and Harp needed fresh air. 

We found this butterfly on the way home.  It has a broken wing and leg, it ended up coming home attached to my sweater.  I've kept it instant have hidden it from Mr R;-) . I've googled what I can feed them, I took a flower from my neighbours garden and also mashed up a little banana.  

I let the boys play with slime to chill them out and I built one of Lincolns lego model's for him. 

Carson and Lincoln both ended up having a little nap. I only gave L 20minutes. Carson slept nearly 12 hours last night and still needed a nap today.  

All the wildlings helped me dig the garden for a while.  But I couldn't do long with my shoulder.  

Mr R is working late tonight.  

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