Loves a headband

A super productive morning,  ironing,  cleaning,  unit building. Mr R in the garden,  wildlings out in the street,  and then a 3 mile cycle to nana and grandads.  Do proud of Harp. She's been cycling a week and did the 6 mile round trip. 

Us parents sorted out some of the awful job that a gardening and landscaping company have done for my inlaws. Thankfully they haven't paid their bill yet but oh my a horrendous job done by them. And a huge tripping hazard left. Grandad is still practically blind at the moment and had already tripped over it. Mr R and myself did a good job sorting it. We're literally all just home. The wildlings will have a late dinner and hopefully I will be able to stay awake and watch a movie with Mr R  tonight. 

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