Capital adventures

By marchmont

Look North

Up at 5.45 and standing by the bus stop, freezing, at 6.30. No coat, scarf or hat in the 6 deg. Well I'm off to London, don't you know, and it's due to be 21 there.

I was a real GOW at EDI security. A long queue and then ' would you mind stepping in the scanner?'. 'And if I don't? You don't fly'. So not really optional then? Then the scanner was the cheap model and finally some questions for a government survey. I walked off at that point. Emperor's new clothes. Airport security is a smokescreen, a total waste of money. Bah, humbug!

We took off late, someone left the petrol cap off. It was a Loganair prop Dornier. The last time I flew Cityjet it was a 'proper' plane. But the advantage of the Dornier is that it has on board steps, so no eairing for steps when you land. I feel like a real businessperson when I fly to City. Off the plane, straight through the concourse, up the escalator and on the DLR, all in 5 minutes. Amd it was sunny and warm, blue skies and sunshine.

So to 66 for 5 hours of meetings, mostly in a hot airless room, and no ice cream!

It was still warm and sunny when I came out at 5. City types were drinking outside, spring was in the air.

The work at King's Cross is continuing and the original facade is stripped bare.

So now northward bound, in 1st class, and there is still light in the NW ay 9.30. But back to the frozen north, brrr.

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