View Through My Lens...

By boyzee

And the Boy is off!!!

We had a fun afternoon after school/pre-school today. I was doing some gardening out the front and C wanted to go on his scoot bike. he shot off down the grassy slope in from of our house and started lifting up his feet. Then H got in on the act and so I went and got her 'pink' bike from the garage.

Despite only having marginally successfully got going on it last summer she was off straight away. Well, C was having none of it. He wanted a go on his 'fire' bike (his cousin's cast off!!) that has been sat in the garage for ages. Needless to say he too shot off. Dare I say it, but he was slightly better than H was (particularly at going in different directions!)

After a while they got bored and it was time for tea. Not before he had another go on the balance bike (and I had managed to get my camera out!) Somewhere along the line he had lost his T shirt and his crocs!! We don't normally let him out in his socks and 'wife beater'!!

What else happened today? Got the new garden hose assembly put together. Decided not to spend £10 on each car to get it washed, but instead do it myself. It was very therapeutic and they are now much cleaner than they would be otherwise. We also had a visit from a friend and her 10 week old little girl, so A had her first play date today.

On request, I will try and get one of her tomorrow for you all to see :-)

Needless to say, after car washing, gardening, going for a run, playing with kids, this Daddy is pooped!!

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