
By HarrythePotter

Like the Mediterranean.

So many times have I intended to use some painted cans as planters then never got round to it but this year....

Unlike the Mediterranean the slugs and snails here devour basil quicker than I do so these come in every night for safety.

I collected some gorgeous Abutilons from a small family nursery in Rownhams this morning then went to RF's. She popped into town to pay in the summer concert takings so that it could be transferred to charity, I cut grass.

We ate lunch then emptied the contents of a compost bin to avoid long tailed rodents from visiting, that was hot work. Also emptied her wormery compost so that the worms could continue their work.

Dinner was outside and a repeat of the previous evening's Swift, Bat and Star gazing before returning home.

During the day I'd been preparing a loaf for baking, trying a new method because my last few were not rising properly, so far so good!!

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