Waiting for Something to Happen

He's been disappointed for most of the day.

Joe Manchin, a Democrat from who acts just like a Republican, has just shelled the climate change compromise agreement his party has been working on for a year. Just rejected the whole thing making any kind of federal climate change effort impossible. He has accepted more money from the coal, oil and gas industries than any other senator. 

He is a modern day villain who drives a Maserati, lives on a yacht courtesy of the coal industry and is willing to see the world burn as long as it benefits his near-term investment portfolio.' --Penn State University scientist Michael Mann

It's hot here...around 95F (35C), but we're used to it. 40 degrees in the south of England sounds like hell. Nowhere to hide in London where such temperatures must be just about unheard of. I can't imagine how a man like Manchin (and, I hasten to add, every single Republican senator) can disregard the dire warnings of scientists everywhere about the irreversible damage we are doing to our planet....

And here we sit, quietly working away on our respective indoor projects, trying to avoid too much activity so that we don't have to turn on the air conditioning. Thanks to our solar panels, our electricity bill was very low, but PG&E has applied to raise the rates for processing solar energy that is returned to the grid. They have to find creative ways to recoup their losses....

It's almost as hard to get my head around what these people could possibly be thinking thinking as it is to understand the time travel aspect of the mind blowing images that are being returned to earth by  NASA's James Webb Telescope . 

It's unsettling how often I have to accept questions as they are because I just don't understand the answers....

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