Dragon boat racing…

Today has been the annual charity dragon boat racing on the Thames near our house so since about 10am we have heard the loudspeaker announcements and the shouting/ drumming of the teams. Each team has to raise a lot of money for charity and I think it’s organised by the Rotary Club. There is also a Fair on the Kingston side of the river with lots of stalls. I have been in the past but today I just had a look from our side of the river as too hot to walk over there! Many years ago I organised a team from the school where I worked and we raised over £1000 for the charity ‘Born too Soon’ which has a special unit in Kingston Hospital for babies born very prematurely. See extra for the team , over 15 years ago. I’m only in contact with one girl who has just had her first baby and one member of staff who is a friend on Facebook. 
Although our team did not win we did get a mention for our good pirate outfits.

Last evening I went to pick up daughter-in-law and her son from LHR T5. Their BA flight had not been cancelled  but had been been delayed by 85 minutes and then when they arrived they had to wait about 90 minutes in a queue to go through passport control….apparently it was chaos with huge queues and only two lines rather than the 10 that were available. Not much fun when you have a three year old. So the airports are definitely not a fun place to be.

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