
My mission for this morning was to go to the transport department and register Scooby. It turned out to be a little complicated. They wanted to sight the vehicle because I have had a modification plate put on changing it from a dual seater to a single seater. So, I had to arrange compulsary third party insurance, go home, and ride Scooby down to the Transport Department. It is legal but without plates on I was likely to get pulled over by the cops. Luckily I didn't and without too much drama I got Scooby a number plate and we are legal to ride.

And ride we did. I had a blast around the neighbourhood, stopping in at the servo to put fuel in. $3.60 filled the tank! I wonder how far it will get me.

In other news I had to dig a chicken size hole in the garden today. Unfortunately I forgot to do it where Jo told me too so I ended up digging another. Much sweating later Jo turned up with Delta chook. Jo took her to work this morning so the vet could put her to sleep. She was an old chook and probably my favourite out of the original 4 we had. We are now down to 1, Pepper.

So, after a busy morning, I am now off to work...

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