
Scooby got its first (and second) modification today. I attached a milk crate to the back rack. Since then I have attached a length of downpipe so I can take my yabbie pump down to the waterfront. It will all become clearer in later blips. The motocross helmet, a hangover from years past, looks a little silly on a scooter.

The weather was about as good as it gets this afternoon. I took scooby to the baitshop to buy some live worms but unsurprisingly they were sold out. Not to worry. There is always tomorrow. Instead of going fishing Jo and I did some long overdue things.

This morning we went to Dad's house to help Andy load a the trailer. I turned into a help load, drive to destination, help unload and return to Dad's place mission. So the morning flew by.

This evening Jo and I had frozen veg, packet mash and I had a pork chop with gravy. Frozen packet veg is such good value. No waste. Tomoorow Jo is demanding that I make pies...

Maybe after some fishing.

It was a good day, things got done. I didn't do any work on the TT though. Well, that is for tomorrow.

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