What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Rabanal - Cruz de Ferro - Molinaseca

I owe thanks to Mark for this Blip as that's me on the right, adding my memories to the Cruz de Ferro on the way to Molinaseca. As you can tell, it's a good job we had some snow in the UK before going out to Spain - we were ready for it!

This part of the Way marks the point where people leave the ideas of loss, pain and sorrow behind - in my case I was leaving behind some bad memories so that only the good remain. The items I placed were some precious gems belonging to my grandfather and a photo of my uncle.

After visiting the cross (and the highest point on our journey) it was a long, fairly pretty wander down to the valley and Molinaseca where we ended up in what turned out to be a 'UK dormitory' - the five of us sharing with another two wanderers from Cambridge and also a lone Scotsman who had overtaken us earlier in the day.

Fellow Camino Blippers:
Mark's shoes (found near a shelter)
Owen's chapel (opposite the cross)

The Camino Blipfolio:
First Entry - Memories (up close)

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