Living my dream

By Mima

Tiny little brains

It’s been blowing like crazy all day, and chucking horizontal rain at us every now and again as well. So we’ve been indoors for most of it.

Bean has been under her blankets of course. I spent over two hours cracking walnuts while listening to a couple of “The Great Simplification” podcasts with Nate Hagens. I was so inspired by what I heard that I dropped Nate an email of thanks, and received a reply from the man himself soon afterwards, which surprised and delighted me.

The walnuts were then spread on an oven dish and roasted for 20 minutes on a medium heat. Once cooled down they went into airtight jars in which they will keep for months.

They do look like small brains, don’t they?

We did get out for a walk in what I thought was a drier spell, but by the time we were furthest from home the wind had picked up even more and icy rain was lancing down on us. It was bonkers to be out in it, but I did get home invigorated. Bean got home relieved and ready for those blankets again…

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