Four Birthdays and a Bouncy Castle

Celebrated four birthdays today!! This afternoon a first birthday for Bae’s youngest (and very cute) great nephew.

Thankfully the village hall had air conditioning although not that effective it took the edge off so the adults could chat comfortably while the kids had fun on the bouncy castle. Cherelle made this amazing cake. I had fun bouncing balloons with Bae’s great nieces and chatting to his sisters.

This evening a garden party at my friends’ Clare and Colin’s house for their joint birthdays. Clare’s cooking was amazing as always… chilli, pulled pork, homemade vegetable loaf, banofee pie, pavlova, chocolate mousse… I had to skip the mousse and don’t need to eat for a week now.

We also celebrated my flying instructor’s 60th birthday and Clare made fun with the gift of an inflatable zimmer frame! A lovely evening with friends sitting outside until 11pm when the temperature dropped to 16C… it actually felt chilly after the balmy nights we’ve had!

So lovely that Polly joined us too finally able to mix in groups now her treatment is almost done. Hopefully more gatherings to come over coming weeks.

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