Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Lucky escape?

I wasn’t needed at ‘my’ school this week, as they're just doing extra-curricular activities instead of proper lessons, but I still saw several of ‘my’ students this morning, as I drove past them on my way to an assignment at their ‘opposite number’ in the same town.

Not sure if it was the heat or the fact the students only have a couple of days left but the behaviour was appalling. I sent a few out of the lessons, including one 15-year-old boy who thought it was hilarious to keep shouting out ‘BOGIES!’ during a test. And that wasn’t even the worst of it.

Coincidentally, my last secondary school job interview was there. I’m 100% positive the head of department told me he was going to offer me the job that evening but two days later I got a call from an assistant head, telling me they were very sorry but they felt one of the NQTs had been a stronger candidate. Pffft! Considering the amazing school I've ended up in, though, I think it's all worked out well and looking forward to going back in September.

I know it's stating the obvious, but my picture is the temperature by my patio at 8pm tonight. The highlight of my day was when one of the science techs took me into a new classroom which had possibly the world's best air conditioning. Bliss!

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