Wot, No Aeroplanes!

It's been RIAT 2022 for the past 3 days and it's been noticeably quieter, over Gloucester, than usual for RIAT. You'd often get aircraft, especially the ones displaying be they single aircraft or a group such as The Red Arrows, flying over as they reform into different formations. Nothing this year, even the flying in was quiet, which would have been the few days prior to the first day.
So, today, Monday, I was expecting a lot of departing aircraft but all I saw was one fighter aircraft, and by the time I heard it the altitude was too high for identification or a photograph.
So I had a beer instead after the incredible amount of work we've both been doing in preparation for Marlane's sisters coming to visit from Launceston Tasmania, Chicago Illinois USA, Venlo Nederlands, and one who is already living in Gloucester!
Part of that work can be seen in the EXTRA. I could list it all but that beer was early afternoon and we've just stopped now, it's already 23:15 and I'm shattered!
Night Night everyone.

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