Wet, Cool and Happy

Today temperature reached 89F. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Ahhhhh!
I took both Jodie and Scout swimming tonight so it was not the quiet, relaxing swim like last night but I REALLY enjoyed it. Scout swam lots and finally got the hang of leaving Jodie alone when I said and actually managed to swim beside her (rather than on top of her!). Eventually one of them found a stick and they both enjoyed going after it. Even Scout would swim out for it. Then I decided to swim a little. Jodie of course followed me straight out and Scout very quickly followed suit and swam with me right across and back again. :D I’m so proud of her!

I didn’t get speaking to the others that were there but they seemed happy that the dogs were enjoying themselves. Thankfully as both dogs were so excited they barked a lot!, particularly at the beginning.

At one point two huge aircraft flew past very low. They were stunning to see and I wished I had my camera out but I don’t like them really. They just say ‘war’ to me. Scout didn’t much care for them either and was quite frightened by them.

Temperatures are meant to be higher tomorrow. Hopefully mom will be able to stay a bit cooler. It was breathless in her house. Wish I could take her to the river to cool down but I don’t think she’s thank me! Haha!

Her old furniture got pick up today and fortunately they wouldn’t take the one chair because of the stain that was on it. So at least she has a chair until the new furniture is delivered on Wednesday. :)

This week we have work experience kids in school from year 10. Today I had Lizzy R whom I taught when she was in yr1/2. It is lovely to see her and the others again.

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