"Loup Garou & Moccasins"...

..."A solo exhibition at the Station Gallery of original paintings, traditional beadwork and photography by Nathalie Bertin, inspired by connections to the land, family ancestry and Métis stories shared through generations". 

At last, a reason to go down the street to our local art gallery -  a new exhibit that sounded really interesting! I was not familiar with the artist, but then I usually am not... so I looked her up online and found that she is a Métis artist, born in Toronto, and a self-described "colour junkie" who is inspired by the way light filters through stain-glass windows and the layering of colours in the printing process..and whose style is often described as "luminescent, energetic, bold, and colourful.."

Well, they had me at "colour junkie"! Sounded right up my alley...

What I found were some definitely luminescent, colourful paintings, and a fascinating series of beaded "Moccushions" that she says represent her early learning and the traditional stories she has been told. 

I read also that the current focus of her work is on positive images of indigenous women, especially on the women role models who have had an impact on her..and that her aim is to present a different view of indigenous women  - one that is positive, powerful, knowledgeable, gentle and kind...

Knowing that made me appreciate the exhibit all the more and led me back to the internet to see more of her work.

I could not have chosen a better way to spend part of a very hot, humid and rainy day! 

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