Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


Amid gentle rain, rain that bounces on leaves, pops in puddles and pings off your nose, playful, joyful and delicious, I stood and put my face to the sky!

Some things are so simple...enjoying each moment, keep joy uncomplicated, make it so easy that simply being alive completes all requirements. I watched raindrops hit the dancing surface of my bird bath....the cool air and wonderful patterned rings on the beautiful.

Each little drop hanging from my trees in the garden, so delicate, so transitory, there for a simple moment and then gone...I could spend a life time just watching these fragments of the world and in doing so.....enjoy the whole thing for the better.

Off to and my little bag of joy, nicely filled up for another day, so easy, so necessary, so important.

Have fun Blip buddies!

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