
The day was predicted to get hotter as time went on and it did!! 

I planned to continue with my box contents tidying, following progress yesterday, but my workroom is south facing and too hot today. It can wait, there are lots of other things to do. 

We have the blinds closed and the fan on in the lounge, so spent most of the time in there and made sure that the door was kept closed. I caught up with some of my commenting on Blip, I was so way behind, other emails etc and watched the athletics. It was comfortable to work in and Amber spent most of the time sleeping.

I had a lovely surprise in the evening, a call from S’s parents in Canada to arrange a link up with the rest of the family. The purpose was the party to hand over the patchwork quilts to the children. 

So at just after 11pm I was sitting on the settee, in a very sweaty state, watching the event unfold. The children were delightful. The little ones (2 & 4 approx)  were finding characters and animals on their quilts, so excited. The older two (8 & 11) were a bit more surprised, “what is this present, who has sent it, who is this lady on the phone”?. I have a new title ‘Auntie R’s mummy’. :0))) It was lovely to watch and be involved in. 

One of the mums was videoing some of it so that it can be shared with R & S later.

Whilst I was waiting for the call I realised that I hadn’t taken any pictures today, so went out into the garden with Amber. It was much cooler and comfortable. She was obsessed with something under the garden gate, possibly a hedgehog had passed that way earlier, but a picture of a wigging backside didn’t look appealing!!! 

A picture of some tall flowers in the dark against the patio window was a slightly improved offering.

A cool shower before bedtime was required. The bedroom was sooo hot at midnight. Sleeping will be a challenge. 

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