Sunflowers at 7am

Having not been to our allotment for several days( my friend who I share with has been though) I went very early this morning at 7am  and was delighted to see these sunflowers.  We are being encouraged not to water so I only watered the courgettes a bit and the cucumbers. The courgettes are cropping well so more to pick and also the first of the green beans.
After I went for a quick bike ride round the perimeter of Bushy Park which is mostly in the shade under lots of trees. Too hot for any longer.

We picked up the twins again at 1pm when the car was registering 41.5C. It was actually too hot for them to go out in their garden in the paddling pool at that point so we let them watch some TV ( not usually allowed until 6pm before bedtime) in the cool lounge, including some of the athletics World Championships. They were interested in the different events and also identifying the GB athletes. Plus interested in the coloured hair of many athletes including the Jamaicans…it seems that this year whacky hairstyles are the in thing…not sure I am impressed though!

We left Libby at home in a room with the air con on low so we knew she would be OK for a few hours. She is eating less in this heat.

Let’s hope it’s cooler as forecast tomorrow.

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