Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli


It's been heartbreaking to see the devastation being caused by the wildfires around the world but it's almost unbelievable that it's happening here now. Wildfires are, of course, a regular occurrence here during hot weather but this is a whole new level of awful. I feel so sorry for the people who've lost their homes. The emergency services were heroes but had little chance against such an unprecedented event. 

I doubt very much that most of the fires - anywhere - were simply a spontaneous result of the heat. At best, it's human carelessness but it’s a sad fact that many fires are started deliberately. A video was posted on our village Facebook page yesterday evening of two boys aged 13 or 14 running away from a fire they'd just started in woods adjacent to the main residential area. The fire was put out but I hope they catch the culprits and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Absolute idiots.

My picture is nothing to do with any of that, I'm just lacking inspiration...   

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