Yorkshire Sculpture Park

I decided to stop off on my journey to Leeds. I’ve driven past the junction signposted for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park so often and today curiosity won.

I was confused when I arrived. Places usually give  you helpful information or directions but this place wanted us to download their app. A lovely Dutch couple were also puzzled.

No problem. In the shop was a lovely man, Tobias, who told me what I could see in a short space of time. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent there. It was drizzling and dull and very humid, but that was a pleasant change after our sweltering start to the week. 

Im not sure what to upload to give you the flavour of the place but, for starters, here’s part of Robert Indiana’s American Dream…..

No. I’ve swapped it for another of his sculptures, 1 to 10. It gives a better sense of the outdoor space. 

Now I’m in such a frustrating hotel.
No tv remote
No info about the number to ring reception
A premium number if I use my mobile.
And it’s hot !

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