
By DaveWhitecliff

Shoreditch Slide Geetar

Another day in London and in a big rush as the major crescendo that's been building for the last 16 months finally comes at the start of next week. No time to get a photo in the morning, presumed I'd missed my chance for the day.

At lunchtime I stepped out to get some air, and under the long arch of the big rail bridge next to Shoreditch station there was a busker playing slide blues on a resonator guitar. He was very good, and the reverb from the Victorian brick arch above and the cobbled road and pavement below made him sound even better. No cars pass here and he was on great form. I could have stayed for ages.

But instead I dropped some coins in his guitar case and grabbed a quick photo. It was very dark under the bridge; about six stops difference between the light and the shade.

Then I headed back to Lawyerville. It'll be over soon, so next time I happen upon something like this, I hope to be able to linger properly.

And have it large.

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