
By Farmerboab

On a roll......

Left Kev on mucking out a shed as we will need it to store straw in once we start the harvest.
Headed off to roll the field I sowed the fodder rape in yesterday. If I'd realised there were as many big stones needing lifted I might have swapped him jobs !
It was also very dusty ,making seeing where I was going very difficult. It didn't help when there was some drizzly rain,not enough to do any good,but enough to make all the stoor stick to the tractor windows,so had to keep stopping and cleaning them with a rag to see out.
Any way,got there by lunch time.
Spent the afternoon mowing another field of grass ready to bale and wrap. Had to rescue a couple of wee leverits and put them on an uncut corner as the gulls were waiting to pick them off. Also left a strip up the field uncut. There was a pair of partridge with a clutch of tiny wee chicks and every time they broke for cover the gulls were picking them off. So decided to leave them a bit to hide in tonight and will cut it tomorrow.
My silage contractor pal in tonight to make a plan of attack. If the weather plays ball, hopefully all go this coming week...

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