The Elusive Stone Fish

Imagine coming across the elusive Stone Fish propelling itself through the pebbles at a beach in Trescott !

We had a really interesting day, the weather was very warm once again. While T was on a walk on the rail trail I walked out to the cemetery to get a closer look at a trawler in the bay. As I approached the edge of the bluff, to the left of the fox den, suddenly an adult and juvenile eagle took off with a flash of huge wings about 8 feet away from me. They immediately soared over the river and were obscured by the lilacs and trees they were  perched in. It all happened in an instant, but what a sight, something i will never forget.

T arrived home and was upstairs, she glanced out the window and saw one of the famous cemetery foxes darting across the cemetery, heading up the hill towards the church. We also saw a Monarch Butterfly at Bog Brook Cove, that makes 5 we have seen.

We spent the afternoon in Trescott and Lubec exploring some beaches we love that are easily accessible for one with a new bionic hip. You can see me in the extras and a pier in Cutler Harbor where you can see the height variation of the tides here. It was another great day.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and hot, very hot for Downeast Maine.

All hands and paws happy.

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