The Ancient Mariner

We've been in Watchet today for the funeral of mrsfb's uncle. After staying overnight in Bridgwater we got there early so had a wander around the town. Apparently ST Coleridge lived locally for a while and in 1797 visited the harbour. He was so inspired he wrote The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner. Hmm, I wonder if he might have been on the opium at the time.

Anyway back to the funeral. It went as well as these things can go. Uncle L was a big fan of the Beatles all his life. He had a dog called Ringo when he was a boy. We had A Day In The Life and I Am The Walrus during the service, and one of his granddaughters sang Let It Be. In the pub afterwards we had continuous Beatles background music.

He was also a big fan of Guinness so I had to have a pint in his honour.

The drive back was much easier than the drive down, adaptive cruise control for the whole of the M5 bit.

One year ago:

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