
By kas18

No I Won't Come In!

So defiant is Oscar. When he goes out in the garden he always sits and looks at you and just won't come in, he just won't budge. I shut the door on him and he sits there. I call him and call him, he sits there. I start going silly and playful to entice him in, he sits there. I get the treat jar out.....he comes in! I can see him smirking at me in this photo. What am I going to do with him.

Maisie has been in the dog house today. She took herself off for a walk....Oscar went as well because he follows her everywhere. I looked everywhere for them. I went down the back of the garden, into the field next to the house and up our road. I came back and got the car and drove round to find them. Then I saw them right across a different field next to a railway line and the river. I got out of the car and called them but they were too far away. I wasn't wearing the best of footwear and had to run across the field to get them. Maisie knew she was in trouble as she wouldn't come to me. I finally round the pair of them up and got them home....an hour after I first started looking. I wouldn't mind but I only went out to put some rubbish in the bin, they followed me then legged it!

Spent a morning at the hospital again...different person, different reason, different hospital.
Nothing much....just had to take my son for physio.

Did bootcamp this morning and I didn't like it one bit. It wasn't because I got soaked by the rain, it wasn't because it was too hard. It was some stupid challenge we had to do. I'm always up for a challenge but didn't feel this was challenging at all. It was cold just waiting around for others to finish. I kept taking myself off for a run...anyway I was a moaning Minnie this morning....probably due to my bad day yesterday! They promised it will back too normal on Monday. I hope so.

A better day...but still a big black cloud hanging over me!

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