This limestone cliff is almost completely smothered with mostly native plants: various coprsomas, matagouri, cabbage trees and broadleaf (griselinia) amongst other things.
Along the top is a line of pine trees, which used to be regularly topped but which have grown unrestricted for many years.
It has been a clear and very chilly day. The frost never lifted from shaded spots, such as in the foreground of the photo. It was too cold to do the unquagmirey jobs in the garden, dammit.
To rid me of my antsiness I took Bean for a full afternoon walk up the local hills and beyond. We are both well-exercised as a result and comfortably weary this evening.
I have a Val McDermid novel which I’m finding hard to put down, so that’s me sorted out for the evening. Bean has a blanket over her and is already snoring.
Oh we know how to push the boat out at Chez Mima!
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