Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

The pond bed

The various agapanthus in the pond bed are looking good.  I think we have lost a few varieties - but those that remain are a good selection of colours.  And nicely complemented by the kniphofia and crocosmia.  There are many things we will do different after we settle in Ireland, but I would love to have something like this again.

More furniture and stuff offloaded today.  But no-one wants our bed, sadly.  And I have to admit, the mattress is past its best.  We'll have to enlist some help to get the mattress to the dump - it won't fit in our car.  Once deconstructed, and the mattress disposed of, it's likely someone will take the base - if not, our neighbours will probably take it to burn in their firepit - though not at the moment, I hope!

It's another hot day, but with a brisk wind - which is not a good combination - there was local comment about the smell of burning, and it seems it could be coming from a field fire raging down near Diss.

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