Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Poo Picking Party

See how clear of poo the field is!! This morning I was lucky enough to be invited to a poo picking party at the stables. This is so we can start to strip graze the field to stop the horses getting fat - and because they now have a much smaller field, there is the need to clean the field. Now the field is clear we have set up a rota system - my day is Thursdays. Urghh!! It was really hard work picking up 6 months worth of droppings for 7 horses - I have got a sore back and a blister on my thumb to show for my efforts.

This afternoon we went outdoorsy shop shopping - we nearly bought yet another tent to add to the collection. I expect we will go back and get it in the week as we are looking for a lightweight one to take backpacking and the one we have now apparently "didn't look quite right" the last time Mike pitched it - though I did point out Mike was hammered the last time he pitched it and he had pitched it on top of a small tree. But it was a cool tent and in the sale so we shall see.

Waved Mike off to Wales about 5pm - he's off mountain biking. Then I took Jack out for a ride round the reservoir. It was so peaceful and still and no-one about until a bunch of boy racers came tearing down the unsuitable for motors track that links the bridleways and I remembered how close to Leicester I am. They did slow down when they saw us though but left a lot of dust.

Our wedding photo album finally arrived today - so nice to look back on the day and I have so many fantastic memories. Wish we could do it all again (but not the paying for it bit!!).

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