Day 3 The Danube

Day 3 
We had a lovely meal last night in an Italian restaurant way off the beaten track - well 4 mins!  Straubing was such a pretty town. 

We got up really early, sourced snacks and a large bottle of water in the supermarket, then breakfasted at the bakery. We were on the road just after 8. 60 miles in 34*!  The first part of the day was flat again, we stopped at another bakery for a delicious 11sies. There wasn’t much to see en route today which was fine as it meant we could just get on. However, we had lots of cycle path closures which made it all a bit more exciting.

We were careful to drink lots and having an extra 1.5 litre strapped to Mr PBs bike was very reassuring. We had a stop at a supermarket for a soft drink and ice cream, this made the last 15 miles which were more gently undulating very pleasant. Now in Passau, a very pretty town. 

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