The day to start is today

By Traci

Love conquers all

This does not apply in rock paper scissors.

When I started Blipping I thought it would be quite easy, but it's not at all. The balance between quality and emergency is starting to bug me slightly when the balance is tipping to constant emergency or non at all. But it's supposed to be a bit of a challenge? Right?

I also very recently took on the role of Division Commissioner for Girl Guiding in Mendip, I expected that that wasn't going to be at all easy. I didn't realise how much fun it would be. I have spent the last few days visiting units in the area and already meeting some young ladies who I had met as guides and now are helping as volunteers. Leaders I haven't seen for ages who have welcomed me into the groups and you feel completely at home - enjoying myself.

So both a bit of the rough with the smooth I think - just do the best you can and hopefully no one is going to shoot you for trying. If there were awards to be given out for the most effort this blipped Jackdaw would get it, I watched him struggle and almost felt him swearing at the branch, If I had been able to clip the stick a little bit to help I really would have. He tried and tried and tried but nope not going to happen - but he had given it a go and he had my utmost admiration. A proper example for myself today :)

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