Quite a rain...

There was few rainless hours in the morning. 

After badly slept night (too many sleeping people keeping all kind of sounds in the cottage, and my knees sore as I had forgot all my meds home) I was a bit tired. And as it was a low pressure and rainy day everyone else was tired too. So we took it easy.

Others took a nap as I made a little walk alone around the cottage area and remembered when we had been there last time. And several times with our kids - as my father was still alive and in good shape. So many nice and warm memories bursted into my mind.

It occured into my mind that this could be the last time here with my stepmom with us. She is not getting younger anymore.

Nicke the poodle had been running free since we arrived yesterday and he obeys my son perfectly. The dog refused to come into the cottage however, as we were packing our things into the car. After having his harness on, he knew that was about to come with us!

In the afternoon we had late lunch and tried to leave driving home before the rain would reach us. My son driving again. Quite a rain! We saw two deers on the fields on the northern side of Turku.

+17,5c sweaty though.

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